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What Is NAD+ And Why Is It Important?

Did you know - absence of NAD+ in your cellular metabolism could kill you in 30 seconds?  NAD or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is an important hydrogen/electron transfer molecule that perfects your metabolism of fatty acids. It plays a vital role in the mitochondria of your cells. In simple terms, NAD+...

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Be Beneficial for Joint Health?

Fish oil is a supplement that provides a wide variety of benefits due to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains. These benefits are a big reason why it's one of the most commonly taken supplements. Not to mention, it is highly recommended for those who do not consume enough fish...

CoQ10 and Fertility: Myths vs. Facts

CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10, is a naturally occurring compound in the body that can be taken as a dietary supplement to improve female and male fertility. CoQ10 is in every human body cell, playing the critical role of generating energy within each one. However, the body's ability to generate CoQ10...

Everything you need to know about Ubiquinol: Our Natural DNA Repair System

The health of every organ and function in our bodies depends on how effectively our cells duplicate, reproduce, and replace themselves. In other words, we are alive because our cells continually divide, but cells require proper support for these processes to take place. Coenzyme Q10, commonly known as CoQ10, is...

How do I choose the best CoQ10 supplement?

Humans have trillions of cells in the body that carry out all necessary life functions, such as obtaining food and converting it into energy and removing the waste. While there may be little we can control when it comes to the inner workings of these trillions of cells, choosing the...

Is MCT Oil Better Than Coconut Oil For Weight Loss?

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oil is a high-quality liquid fat produced by refining raw coconut oil. The interest in MCT oil has increased drastically in recent years. It is widely used by people in their coffee to boost their endurance during a workout or lose weight.  MCTs are processed by...

The Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that promotes tremendous benefits for the body and brain. You may know it as the ingredient that gives curry, a traditional Indian dish, its yellow color. But it would take much more than a daily helping of curry to achieve turmeric's potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits...

Top 5 anti-aging supplements for a healthy living

Are you concerned about how you are aging? Worried about the fine wrinkles on your face and hands? Getting older is a fact of life - and most of us want to make sure we are doing all we can to look young as each birthday passes by.  Some of...

Supplements That May Prevent Heart Disease

Lifestyle and genetics play a huge role in the causes of heart disease, which affects many people in the UK. Heart disease is a major cause of death, with diet, stress, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, as well as many other health factors leading to a build-up of fatty...

Supplements That Reduce Inflammation

It is important to reduce inflammation through a healthy diet and lifestyle but for those times when an infection or irritant is too much, it is worth having something to hand. 

Resveratrol and The Menstrual Cycle

Harvard professor and wellness expert Dr. David Sinclair wrote in his book ‘Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To’ that: “We’re all too slowly coming around to the shameful recognition that, for most of medical history, our treatments and therapies have been based on what has been...

The Best Anti-Aging Supplements

Before we can ask the question of what is anti-aging, we have to understand the body and why we age, so here’s a quick science lesson: The human body consists of trillions of cells. DNA is part of every cell (its code). Our cells regenerate & replicate continuously in the...