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What Is NAD+ And Why Is It Important?

Did you know - absence of NAD+ in your cellular metabolism could kill you in 30 seconds? 

NAD or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is an important hydrogen/electron transfer molecule that perfects your metabolism of fatty acids. It plays a vital role in the mitochondria of your cells. In simple terms, NAD+ converts food to energy. 

According to the research conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Centre and Harvard Medical School, NAD+ also serves to maintain DNA integrity. This compound is known to control ageing and shields us from potential diseases. 

In this post, you will learn how NAD+ can substantially catalyse more energy into your system and regulate cellular functions.

What is NAD+?

NAD+ is both a coenzyme and a cofactor. It is a non-protein compound that catalyses the functions and biochemical activities of enzymes. Therefore, these molecules are called ‘helper’ molecules. It serves as a coenzyme to bind together sirtuins.

What function does NAD+ Serve?

Alongside its molecular companion NADH, NAD+ transfers electrons from a cellular molecule to the other to accommodate electron exchange. These reactions produce the energy molecule ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Additionally, this molecule also balances the sleep and wake cycle of the human body and restores damaged DNA.

NAD Molecules and the Deterioration with Ageing

With the decline in the metabolic function in ageing bodies, NAD+ levels could significantly drop. Various age-related diseases can hasten this fall. Accumulation of DNA damages can activate the poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) enzyme that can use up and break down NAD+ molecules. This promotes various diseases due to ageing. 

Sirtuins, a type of protein used up in metabolic regulation helps to maintain chromosomal stability in the body and repairs DNA. They can consume more NAD+ with ageing. Research proves that with age, the levels of enzymes in the immune system also increase. It can also lead to the depletion of NAD+ levels. Most recent research allocates PARPs as the prime reason for the depletion of NAD+ in aged individuals.

What are the Risks of NAD+ Level Depletion?

Conditions like obesity and diseases caused by ageing are noted as the causes and effects of the decrease in the levels of NAD+. These can ultimately result in disorders like insulin resistance, diabetes and unbalanced blood pressure.

According to a recent study, many such disorders can be ignited due to metabolic disorders. High blood pressure can affect the functioning of the heart and even cause cognitive impairments like dementia.

Maintaining our NAD+ Metabolism

The need to manage a proper NAD+ metabolism is vital to shield yourselves away from age-related ailments. A well-balanced nutritional intervention can help maintain adequate levels of NAD+ in your body. Give extra attention to combat the decrease in cellular stress response and regulating energy metabolism.

One can ensure better mitochondrial maintenance and regulation of genes by establishing adequate levels of NAD+. The decline of the molecule in our body with age has been extensively studied by the anti-ageing doctor David Sinclair.

NAD can substantially increase lifespan also. Using NAD boosters like Wellology Bio-Gene NAD+ can help increase the levels of these molecular elements in your body. Also, it can guarantee protection against age-induced diseases and keep you energized for longer by fighting fatigue and lethargy. Proper fasting, workout and adequate NAD supplementation are the most recommended ways to combat the deficiency in NAD+ levels. 

Additionally, Wellology Bio-Gene NAD+ serves to activate sirtuins that are important for cellular health maintenance. 

In a nutshell, NAD+ boosters are your lost youth in bottles! Grab them today!