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Supplements That Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is essentially a person's body and immune system responding to an irritant or infection. That irritant or infection can vary in its type and strength but it is almost always noticeable to the individual. If there is a high severity of irritancy or infection in the body, then the body can end up having more general reactions. These include a general sense of feeling unwell, a lack of energy or potentially more severe symptoms. In many cases, inflammation results in swelling as white blood cells accumulate in the area of irritation or infection to begin the healing process.

A healthy part of nature

Nature is full of amazing science and Wellology taps into those natural resources to help the body to heal in a natural way. Our Vegan Algal Omega-3 is a product comprising of two very important fatty acids that can be used to help reduce inflammation in the body, focusing particularly on the joints, your heart, brain, and eyes. These two Omega-3, fatty acids are Docosahexanoic (DHA) and Eicosapentanoic (EPA). Designed to have a bigger, more dynamic impact on the body, the fatty acids are primarily produced by algae. In order to obtain these fatty acids in a natural and uncompromised way, the Vegan Algal Omega-3 offers the user the chance to consume them directly from the algae, in the same manner that fish do.

Both EPA and DHA cannot be synthesised by the body and therefore have to be consumed. Since it essential to consume fatty acids on a daily basis in order to maintain a healthy body, fatty acids should be part of the daily diet plan. Supplements are a smart and convenient way to achieve this without having to adjust every meal to accommodate the fatty acids. Additionally, supplements are easy to carry with you and even easier to consume. If you are aiming to reduce inflammation, having these soft gel tablets to hand makes it far easier to treat the issue.


Importance to the body

Omega-3 fatty acids give the body energy, which is used to form eicosanoids. These molecules have a variety of functions in the different systems within the body, such as the immune system, helping to increase the effectiveness of your system in reducing inflammation, for example. DHA makes up approximately 30% of the body's brain matter and so the addition of DHA through the algae tablets can help to maintain brain function. Additionally, DHA helps with keeping the eyes in good shape, contributing towards the prevention of a number of eye diseases.

It is important to reduce inflammation through a healthy diet and lifestyle but for those times when an infection or irritant is too much, it is worth having something to hand. Vegan Algal Omega-3 is also environmentally sustainable, especially important in this day and age, but this is not really surprising considering this is a natural supplement. The algae that contain fatty acids such as EPA and DHA do not require expensive farming, it is part of the natural world, and is now even easier to access.