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CoQ10 supplements alleviate congestive heart failure - Myth or Fact?

Do you worry about your heart as you age? Ageing is accompanied by a lot of apprehensions regarding your heart’s wellbeing. In the UK, heart diseases are responsible for 64,000 deaths each year. This equates to one death every eight minutes, according to the British Heart Foundation’s factsheet.

These scary statistics should serve as your eye-openers. It may be high time you take extra care of your health.

Many studies reveal that CoQ10 supplementation can help in recovering from heart failure. Do you know if your diet already promises optimal levels of CoQ10? If not, what should you do to make up for the deficiency?

Read on to find out if CoQ10 can help alleviate congestive heart failure.

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is a fat-soluble substance, similar to vitamins. It converts food into energy. It has antioxidant properties and safeguards you from toxic-free radicals. This component is naturally produced by the body and is also found in foods like organ meat, chicken, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, mackerel and sardines.

Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol are the two different types of CoQ10. The levels of these compounds begin to drop as early as 20 years of age. Ubiquinol is up to eight times more absorbable than ubiquinone and has shown to be more effective for managing health issues such as heart failure.

You can test your levels of CoQ10 by taking a blood test. The deficiency in this antioxidant can lead to oxidative stress and curtail good cholesterol levels in your body which is vital for your heart protection.

What are the benefits of CoQ10?

CoQ10 is a vital compound that your body needs. According to findings, it is essentially associated with cardiometabolic disorders. A study conducted by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases et. al. studies the influence this antioxidant can have over hypertension, cardiac toxicity, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, obesity and dyslipidemia.

Additionally, it can help with type-2 diabetes and metabolic syndromes. Consumption of 100mg of Ubiquinol CoQ10 thrice every day can reduce the risks of heart failure.

CoQ10 for Congestive Heart Failure

This coenzyme can help benefit cardiac bioenergetics, according to a 1976 study. A mixed diet alongside an optimal CoQ10 intake can help the various functions of the heart as follows.

Combating CHF or Congestive Heart Failure with CoQ10

Were you aware that CoQ10 was declared as the first drug that improves heart failure mortality in a decade?

Consumption of this compound reduces heart failure-induced deaths by half as per a study by Svend A Mortensen et. al., conducted on people who fight serious heart diseases.

Since it also helps to reduce blood pressure, CoQ10 can improve congestive heart failure symptoms too. It also fights migraines.

Other benefits of CoQ10 that can directly influence your heart include the following.

Blood Pressure: According to the research undertaken by the Journal of Human Hypertension, CoQ10 can help lower high blood pressure. This is especially helpful for patients with hypertension to lower systolic and diastolic BP.

Heart Attack: Consuming this antioxidant after having had a heart attack can reduce subsequent cardiac abnormalities substantially. This can help in controlling the risks of atherothrombosis in patients.

Cardiovascular Disease of CVD: CoQ10 can increase your levels of HDL-C and ApoA1. This can protect you from cardiovascular diseases. Inflammatory biomarkers like the C-reactive protein can increase the risks of CVD. CoQ10 supplementation helps to combat this.



CoQ10 supplementation can help extend lifespan by treating moderate to severe heart failures. On the whole, you could improve the quality of your life and not worry too much about the impacts ageing can have on your heart, if you embrace this supplement.

Wellology’s CoQ10 Ubiquinol+ Kaneka is a highly bioavailable form of CoQ10. The high Ubiquinol levels in this supplement can help in energy production and healthy mitochondrial functions.

Try these supplements for improving your heart health!