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Why is Vegan Omega-3 the best supplement for vegetarians and vegans?


Are you wondering if there is any vegan alternative to Omega-3? Want to know about the numerous health benefits of Vegan Omega-3?

Having enough Omega3 is incredibly important for the normal functioning and maintenance of the body. Omega-3 offers a wide range of health benefits that include – preserving cell membrane health, promoting communication between the brain cells, brain health, eye health, the optimum function of the kidney and so on.  

In a study, adults with lower levels of Omega-3 have been associated with an increased risk of memory issues like – Alzheimer’s and dementia. Hence, it is crucial to get enough Omega-3 to ensure proper brain function and prevent chronic health conditions. 

There are 11 types of fatty acids under the umbrella of Omega-3, of which the three common fatty acids are – DHA, ELA and ALA. DHA and EPA are typically found in fish oil and algae, whereas, ALA is found in leafy greens like spinach and kale. 

Omega is sourced traditionally from fish in the form of fish oil. People often misunderstand that fish contain Omega-3. The fact is - fish don’t have Omega-3. But, they get it from the long food chain that stems down to smaller fish that eat algae.

Benefits of Vegan Omega-3 Supplements

As mentioned above, many people believe that the best way to get Omega-3 is from fish oil. However, one can get the same benefits from chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp and algae. Besides, Vegan Omega-3 Supplements deliver our bodies with pure Omega made from the magic of plants. 

Vegan Omega 3 supplements are known to reduce the production of molecules that are linked with inflammation and related conditions. Here are some of the potential health benefits of Vegan Omega-3 supplements - 

  • Promote brain health
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are known to improve brain health. DHA accounts for 40% of unsaturated fatty acids in the brain. Getting enough Omega-3 during pregnancy has numerous health benefits for the child such as – lesser behavioural problems, better communication, higher intelligence, decreased risk of autism etc.

  • Prevent cardiovascular disease
  • It helps prevent heart disease in adults by lowering triglycerides and blood pressure. Vegan Omega-3 also helps to reduce blood clotting. Based on the article published in a reputed medical journal, approximately 1g/day of ELA and DHA is essential for cardio protection. And 2-4g/day of ELA and DHA is needed to regulate higher levels of triglycerides. 

  • Promote eye health
  • DHA is a common type of Omega three that forms the major structural component of your eyes. People with low levels of DHA are at a higher risk of eye diseases. According to research conducted by Harvard Medical School, Omega-3 may help preserve vision and help reduce the risk of developing dry eyes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.  

  • Fight inflammation
  • Inflammation is a natural response of the body that help fight infections that damage the body. However, persistent inflammation without any injury or infection can be harmful. Vegan Omega-3 can reduce the production of molecules that are linked with inflammation. 

  • Prevent cancer
  • Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the UK after Alzheimer’s and Dementia. According to a recent study, people who consume vegan Omega-3 supplements are shown to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer by 55%. It reduces inflammation in the body and inhibits the growth of tumour cells in prostate and breast cancer. 

    Bottom Line

    To get the daily dose of Omega-3, you don’t have to turn to fish or fish oil. There are many vegan Omega-3 sources to get the daily dose of Omega-3. The easiest way is to use plant-based Omega-3 supplements that extract Omega-3 through the oil in the algae. 

    Getting Omega-3 from whole foods - flaxseeds, walnut, chia seeds, kidney beans, seaweed, Brussel sprouts, canola oil, hemp seeds, edamame and some berries is the best way to ensure robust Omega-3 intake. While the list of plant-based Omega-3 sources is limited, we would like to highlight a few points – 

    • Most plant sources of Omega-3 provide ALA, which the body converts into EPA and DHA
    • Seeking out a direct source of Omega-3 such as sea vegetables and microalgae eliminates the hard work
    • If no direct sources of Omega-3 are available, supplement your body with vegan Omega-3 that provide the right balance of DHA 

    If you are a vegan or vegetarian looking for the right Omega-3 dosage, start taking Wellology Vegan Algae Omega 3 supplements that provide a healthier option than regular fish oil. Being free from fish allergens and mercury – you can avoid pollutants and toxins digested by the fish.

    Get your daily dose of Vegan Omega-3 today!